1 Action 100 Days - The Goal, The Challenge...
Pick one action - that you have control over - to focus on for 100 days.
Something that supports a bigger goal or vision, something what you want more of in your world.
It can be anything that you want to focus on, and grow in your world - personally or professionally.
What is on your heart to grow and cultivate? What one action can support that and make a difference for you?
Sometimes it’s hard to choose one, but start with one. Simple, something you can control. And you can refine from there.
Together we can support each other, encourage each other, and help each other along the way.
Little Bits Add up. and what you focus on Grows.
I encourage you to celebrate your wins - no matter how big or small they may feel. Let’s reinforce all the lovey and wonderful - and possibilities - that you are accomplishing and inviting in…
There is no “behind”. Go at your own pace, for what works for you.
There is no failure, only data. If you miss a day or two, or more, just draw a line in the sand, and pick up again.
All the little bits add up. They all work together to create momentum and traction, and positive change in your world.
If something isn't working, adapt and refine, and keep finding a way to make it work for you.
Even if that means refining or changing what your action is.
The action is to support your bigger goal, if your intended action needs to change based on what you learn along the way, then that is perfectly fine.
Know that sometimes just stating your intention, showing up, and trying is often all it takes to grow and make a difference in your world.
I’m so glad you are joining me in this journey!
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